next steps
Next Steps is designed to help you become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ and give you the opportunity to become a member of Proof Church. From the initial decision to find out more about the vision of Proof Church, to a leadership role on our DreamTEAM, we will provide you with a path to experience growth and fulfillment.
Next Steps is comprised of four specifically designed weekly events listed to the right. Each event helps you take a step forward on God’s plan for your life. Ultimately, our goal is, by the fifth week, is to help you connect with a group of people where your life can touch the lives of others.
STEP 1: experience
Discover and understand how your personal and spiritual makeup reveals a path to your purpose. We believe God created every person with a specific plan for their life.
STEP 2: connect
Become better acquainted with the story, vision and values of Proof Church.
STEP 3: grow
Explore the essential tools and beliefs that produce a more meaningful relationship with Christ.
STEP 4: serve
Find out more about the community, growth, and fulfillment that comes from being on the DreamTEAM.