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Meet our new campus pastor Marla Fleming, a Charleston native who has been on an incredible journey of faith and ministry for over two glorious decades. With a heart full of passion and a spirit radiating enthusiasm, Pastor Marla is embarking on a thrilling new chapter of her divine calling right here in Charleston, South Carolina, in partnership with Proof Church.
Pastor Marla's divine journey began back in February 2005 when she heeded the unmistakable call to the ministry. Since then, she has been a steadfast pillar of unwavering dedication and tireless service, leaving an indelible mark wherever she goes.
Pastor Marla's unwavering commitment to ministry continues to shine brightly, and because of this, in a glorious culmination of her ministry, Pastor Marla has been called to campus pastor of Proof Church Charleston, a vibrant and multicultural spirit-filled ministry. The convergence of her path that spans over decades with Pastors Danny and Sharlene Figueroa, this remarkable journey of Proof Church is a testament to God's divine plan and timing. With a heart full of love, and a vision, Pastor Marla is ready to lead Charleston on a transformative spiritual journey.
As we embark on this thrilling chapter together, let us embrace the boundless strength, the unwavering dedication, and the profound faith that Pastor Marla brings to Proof Church Charleston. It's a new day, a new beginning, and with Pastor Marla Fleming at the helm, under the leadership of Proof Church Main Campus, we are destined for greatness. Join us in this exciting path of faith, love, and spiritual awakening, and let's make history together in Charleston, South Carolina!
meet pastor marla
your purpose
There’s a longing in each of us for something more.
It’s a hope that can move you from a distracted
existence to an intentional life.
He cancels sin, heals the past, and gives us a future. His Spirit can come alive in all of us.
Our desire is that every person would know God and find freedom in Jesus, love one another in community, discover their purpose, and make a difference in the world.
Proof church exist to help others discover spiritual direction and meaningful purpose in the story of their lives.
your opportunity
We are seeking a team of people to cover the church in prayer. Prayer is vital to the success of this church plant.
launch team
Will you partner with us by joining the launch team? We need you and the opportunity for participation is great. Fill out the form to join the team.
We are being bold about presenting the opportunity to help fund the needs of this church plant. We believe God has prepared people to supply a solid financial foundation.